Thursday, January 8, 2009

Some Jensen to love

For this tutorial you will need the following:
•PSP (I use 9 but any version should work)
•A tube of your choice.
(I am using the wonderful artwork of Barbara Jensen)
Purchased with a license from
•Font of choice (A&S Black Swan)
•Scrapkit Temptress
Open new image 600x600
flood fill white

preshape rectangle foreground color from tube
Background black
draw out a rectangle look at my tag for refrence
Copy and paste frame 1 its all in separate layers do each one I left off the ribbon layer
Copy and paste Safety pin of choice resize and rotate to left by 25.oo Dupe and mirror
I used my eraser brush to erase some of the pin to make it look like part of the frame
Apply brushes to each corner
Copy and paste tube its better to have one thats laying down I added a drop shadow and also I adjusted sharpen one time
Add to top my saying add gradient glow of choice
Add Text add same gradient glow
Add copyright
You're done
Tutorial written by Rho April 4th, 2008

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