Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gothic chick

For this tutorial you will need the following:
•PSP (I use 9 but any version should work)
•A tube of your choice.
(I am using the wonderful artwork of Keith Garvey)
Purchased with a license from
•Font of choice (I use Gothicum)
•Scrapkit of choice mine is Gothic Chick by Sam from Passionate Scraps site gone
•Mask WSL-181 by Chelle under downloads
Ok lets get started
Open new image 500x500
Flood fill white copy and paste circle
Copy and paste paper selections delete move under circle
Copy and paste word circle
Copy and paste tube resize
Copy and paste paper move to bottom
Layer new mask layer find mask apply delete and ungroup layers
Add text and copyright
Thanks for trying my new tut
Tutorial written by Rho April 22nd 2008

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