Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goth Maiden

For this tutorial you will need the following:
•PSP (I use 9 but any version should work)
•A tube of your choice.
(I am using the wonderful artwork of Keith Garvey)
Purchased with a license from
•Font of choice
•Gothika Scrapkit by Ki-kubari (supplied)
(I used the skull ribbon flower and charm and name border)
•Scrap Paper of Choice I used-SE_Halloween_Paper_3 by Melissa of Scrappy Expressions •No outside filters needed
•Tutorial Supplies-Get them
Lets get started
Open new canvas 600x600
Flood Fill white
Preshape rectangle width 20.00
Foreground black background null
Objects Align Center in Canvas
Convert to raster
Open1 skull ribbon place at top of frame (see sample) delete excess
Move down to bottom of frame(see sample)
Open 2nd skull ribbon copy and paste
Rotate to left 90.00
Duplicate move to other side of frame
Magic wand click in middle of frame
Copy and paste background paper colorize to match tube
Copy and paste flower in top right corner(see sample)
Duplicate move 1 to opposite corner
Copy and paste charm move it under top flower
Apply drop shadows of choice
Copy and paste tube apply drop shadow
Copy and paste name border
Apply name and copyrights
Resize to your liking & Save
Thanks for trying my new tut
Tutorial written by Rho Jan. 24th 2008

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