Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cuz I Can

Any resemblance of this tutorial to any other is purely coincidental.
All artwork used with artist's permission.
For this tutorial you will need the following:
•PSP (I use 9 but any version should work)
•A tube of your choice.
(I am using the wonderful artwork of Darren Taylor)
•Font of choice
Open new image 500x500
Flood Fill white
Paste your tube as a new layer
(resize if needed-all layers UNchecked, bicubic resample)
Change your foreground to a light color that matches tube
Change background to black
With your preshape tool VECTOR line width 5 rectangle
Draw out a rectangle big enough for tube to fit in
(See sample for reference)
When satisfied with size, convert to a raster layer.
Apply drop shadow of choice
With your move tool reposition tube if necessary.
(See sample for reference)
Apply drop shadow of choice
With your font tool line with 1 vector
Add saying of choice
Add your name
Apply drop shadow of choice to saying & name
Add your watermark and artist copyright
Resize if you wish (all layers, bicubic)
You're done
Tutorial written by Rho Dec. 12th, 2007

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