Thursday, January 8, 2009

Purple Sugar

For this tutorial you will need the following:
•PSP (I use 9 but any version should work)
•A tube of your choice.
(I am using the wonderful artwork of Keith Garvey)
Purchased with a license from
•Font of choice (LoversQuarrelRob used)
•2 Scrap Papers of Choice-Brown Sugar by Melissa of Scrappy Expressions used.(Sorry cannot supply
•Scrap Elements of Choice-Brown Sugar by Melissa of Scrappy Expressions used.Sorry cannot supply)
•No outside filters needed
Lets get started
Open new canvas 600x600
Flood fill white
Preshape tool eclipse line width 5
Foreground black background null
Draw out a large circle (see sample)>br> Objects align center in canvas
Convert to raster layer
Draw out a smaller size circle in the middle
Object align center
Convert to raster
Magic wand click on first circle
Open background paper & colorize to match your tube
Copy paste as new layer
Selections invert Delete on keyboard
Magic wand second circle
Colorize second paper
Copy and paste as new layer
Selections invert delete
Magic wand middle circle copy and paste tube seletions invert delete
Change Opacity to liking I used 85%
Apply tube as main image & postion like sample
Copy and paste buckle, colorize it
Copy and paste flower place on top of buckle colorize as well
Copy and paste large flower place where you think it looks best depending on tube you us.
Copy and paste doodles move under your circles.
Apply text and copyrights Add any drop shadows you wish to tag
Resize to your liking & Save
Thanks for trying my new tut
Tutorial written by Rho Jan. 20th 2008

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